Page 4 - HGS Suburb News 137 - Winter 2019
P. 4

in conversation with...

                                                            ... Marlene Ryder

        Daphne Berkovi talks to Marlene about her life and work

           arlene Ryder has been a   returned to work as I was   Marlene why she was given the
      M resident of Hampstead    fortunate to have help at home.   award. “The award was given
      Garden Suburb for many years,   Once my second son was born   to me because of my services at
      originally coming to this area   I stopped working and by then   Brent CAB, yet I have no idea
      from her hometown, Kingston   we were living in Brookland Rise   who put my name forward.”
      in Jamaica, after completing her   in the Suburb. Both my sons   She then showed me the
      school education at 18. She has   attended Brookland School and   photograph of her receiving
      had a long and successful career   then went to Christ College.”  the award from the Queen; and
      helping many of our citizens,   Marlene related that, once   I asked her about the ceremony.
      which will come to light later.  her second son had started   “Well, I went to Buckingham
         Originally we had met   primary school, she returned to   Palace to receive my award and
      through HGS U3A and as a   work embarking on a very long   was welcomed and made to
      member of our Book Group,   career with the Citizens Advice   feel very comfortable. All the
      Marlene then kindly agreed to   Bureau. “I originally started   recipients were lined up in a
      be interviewed for Suburb News.  working in Camden with the   queue. The Queen was very
         I firstly asked Marlene about   Citizens Advice Bureau, until I   well briefed, and knew about
      her formative years in Jamaica.   was recruited to become the   my background.” Marlene
      “I grew up in Kingston and   Director of the CAB in Brent.”   explained that she was allowed
      attended my local school from   I worked there for over 20 years   to bring two guests, which
      kindergarten all the way   until my retirement.”      were her sons, and after the
      through to my Higher School   I asked Marlene about her   ceremony they celebrated by
      Certificate (equivalent to A   experience there. “Well I found   having a lunch at the Savoy
      levels) at 18. Thereafter I   my work very meaningful;   with friends.
      attended secretarial college.”  helping so many people, it was   She also explained that she
         So why the move to the   a privilege. Not only assisting   moved from Brookland Rise to
      London. “I came to London to   many individuals to understand   Rotherwick Road and
      study at the Regent Street   their rights, but also being able   subsequently settled in Willifield
      Polytechnic for a degree, a BSc   to help them access them as   Way, her present home now for
      in Sociology. Afterwards I   well. Also, I was working with a   ten years. She is now retired
      returned to Jamaica and joined   wonderful team of colleagues,   and has always enjoyed
      the Civil Service, although I had   whom I still have contact with.”   travelling, either visiting her
      to complete a stint in the UK   Marlene told me that the CAB   family in the West Indies, her
      Civil Service first. After four   in Willesden has grown from   son in China with his family, or
      years I returned to London and   sharing part of the building in   to Africa and India.
      married, settling first in Golders   Willesden, to now occupying   As for life in the Suburb,
      Green. For a short while I was   the full premises.   Marlene revealed that she came
      employed as a teacher in a    Alongside her CAB work,   here because the Suburb was a
      secondary school in Haringey,   Marlene spoke about her role as   conservation area, which was of
      but left to work at the Institute   a Non-Executive Director at   particular interest. “I love the trees
      of Education in London in the   Central Middlesex Hospital. “I was   here; and this area is so different
      Department of Advanced     invited by the Medical Director   to the rest of London; the design
      Studies, engaged in the    of the hospital to become a   and scale of the cottages are
      recruitment of teachers who   member of the board; a post   unique.” This was gratifying to
      were applying to study for a   which I held for eight years.”  hear and understandable from
      Masters or PhD in education.”  It was then that I broached   someone who has made the
         Marlene then explained that   the subject of Marlene’s MBE,   greater part of her life here on
      she stayed there until her first   which I had found out about by   the Suburb and her appreciation
      son was born, “but I quickly   doing my own research. I asked   of this community

                                 Double glazing for thermal efficiency

               There are a number of ways to improve the thermal efficiency of your home. One of those is by installing
               double glazed windows.
               It is usually possible to manufacture double glazed windows, both in timber and steel that carefully match
               the original designs. The Trust can supply the names of specialist manufacturers of timber and steel framed
               double glazed windows.

                                                        Trust consent is required for the replacement of windows. The
                                                        application  process  can  be  quite  straightforward. Window
                                                        drawings will need to be supplied and in some cases a sample
                                                        window  may  be  required. This  information  is  necessary  to
                                                        ensure  the  replacement  windows  match  the  originals.  For
                                                        further advice on the application process please contact the
                                                        Trust office or email
                                                        Alternatively, it is possible to improve the thermal efficiency
                                                        of  original  windows.  Window  frames  can  be  made  more
                                                        efficient by weather stripping to exclude draughts. Secondary
                                                        glazing can also be fitted internally. This is less costly than
                                                        replacing the windows. Care must be taken to ensure that the
                                                        secondary glazing is not very visible from the exterior.

                                                        Should you wish to refer to our Design Guidance you may
                                                        access it via our website or by picking up a
                                                        copy from the Trust office.

                   862 Finchley Road, Hampstead Garden Suburb, London NW11 6AB   020 8455 1066   twitter: @HGSTrust

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